This month, you might be seeing lots of tips and suggestions for Healthy Vision Month, but before you take them all in, take yourself in for a comprehensive eye exam.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends a baseline eye exam at age 40. That’s the time when early signs of disease and changes in your vision can start to occur. Do you have a family history of eye problems? Do you have diabetes or high blood pressure? These can factor into your decision to have an eye exam more frequently.
Upon examining your eyes, your ophthalmologist can tell you how often you should undergo an eye exam. As we age, it’s more important to have our eyes checked regularly as our risk for eye disease increases.
If you are or have been at risk, or you are 65 years or older, it’s recommended that you schedule a comprehensive dilated eye exam. This important exam can take up to 90 minutes and should include the following:
- A rundown of your family medical history, whether you wear glasses or contacts and which medication, if any, you take.
- Visual acuity. Reading a standard eye chart at various distances.
- Your pupils and how they respond to light shined in.
- Side vision.
- Eye movement.
- Your eye pressure, which can indicate signs of glaucoma.
- The front part of your eye.
- Your retina and optic nerve.
- And your current vision prescription.
Depending upon the results of your eye exam, your ophthalmologist may conduct further tests using specialized equipment to try and diagnose a disease in its early stages or give you a clean bill of health. Either way, don’t overlook the opportunity to have your eyes checked. Maybe this month is the time.
If you’d like to schedule a baseline eye exam or a comprehensive dilated eye exam, please contact us today!